Holy Theophany: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of Waters; Богоявление Господне - 01/19/25
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BorschtFest 2024 - 10/20/24
Friends and family gathered for our inaugural BorschtFest in order to raise funds for the restoration of our sister cathedral, dedicated to Saint Theodosius of Chernigov, in Cleveland, Ohio.
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Bright Saturday Hierarchal Service and Saint George Patronal Banquet - 05/11/24
Архиерейская Божественная Литургия Светлой Субботы, и праздничный банкет в честь небесного покровителя: Святого Великомученника, Победоносца и Чудотворца Георгия.
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Holy Pascha, the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Святая Пасха, Светлое Христово Воскресение - 05/05/24
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Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy - Божественная Литургия, Вербное Воскресенье - 04/28/24
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Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Great Blessing of Water and Festive Meal Архиерейская Божественная Литургия, Великое Освящение воды и праздничная трапеза - 01/19/24
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The Holy Nativity of Our Lord and Savior - Divine Liturgy - 01/07/24
Рождество Христово - Божественная Литургия
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Martyr Hyacinth; Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Philip - 07/16/23
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Radonitsa - The Day of Rejoicing! Commemoration of the Reposed - 04/25/23
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The Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 12/11/22
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917 North Wood St; Chicago, IL 60622
15MarSoul Saturday
8:00 Liturgy and Panikhida
6:00 Vigil and ConfessionSun
16MarSt. Gregory Palamas
8:30 Hours 9:00 Divine LiturgyFri
21Mar6:00 Presanctified Liturgy