/ Media / Photos

Bright Saturday Hierarchal Service and Saint George Patronal Banquet - 05/11/24

Архиерейская Божественная Литургия Светлой Субботы, и праздничный банкет в честь небесного покровителя: Святого Великомученника,  Победоносца и Чудотворца Георгия.

(265 images)

Holy Pascha, the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Святая Пасха, Светлое Христово Воскресение - 05/05/24

(131 images)

Great and Holy Thursday, Matins - Великий Четверг - 05/02/24

(9 images)

Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy - Божественная Литургия, Вербное Воскресенье - 04/28/24

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Holy Unction - Таинство Елеосвящение (Соборование) - 04/21/24

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Meatfare Sunday - Maslenitsa - 11/20/03

(129 images)

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Great Blessing of Water and Festive Meal Архиерейская Божественная Литургия, Великое Освящение воды и праздничная трапеза - 01/19/24

(273 images)

The Holy Nativity of Our Lord and Savior - Divine Liturgy - 01/07/24

Рождество Христово - Божественная Литургия

(252 images)

Saint Paul the Confessor - Children's Sunday - 11/19/23

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Transferring of the Relics of St. George the Great Martyr - 11/16/23

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Prayer Longing For God Lecture - 09/30/23

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Afterfeast of the Transfiguration - 08/20/23

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Martyr Hyacinth; Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Philip - 07/16/23

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Venerable David of Thessalonica - 07/09/23

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Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco - 07/02/23

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Sunday of All Saints - 06/11/23

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PENTECOST Divine Liturgy - Пятидесятница Богослужение - 04/20/06

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Ss. Constantine & Helen - Divine Liturgy - 05/21/23

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Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (Mother's Day) - 05/14/23

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Radonitsa - The Day of Rejoicing! Commemoration of the Reposed - 04/25/23

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Brotherhood BBQ - 04/22/23

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Holy Pascha - 04/16/23

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Matins of Great and Holy Wednesday - 04/11/23

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Palm Sunday - 04/09/23

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Saint John Climacus - 03/26/23

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Gregory Palamas - 03/12/23

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Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/05/23

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Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare) - 02/26/23

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Sunday of the Last Judgement (Meatfare) - 02/19/23

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Holy New Martyrs and Confessors - 01/22/23

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Holy Theophany - 01/19/23

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The Nativity of Our Lord - 01/08/23

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The Eve of Nativity (NC) - 12/24/22

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