If you have ever come to Divine Services at St. George Cathedral or enjoyed one of our dinners, we urge you to donate. You can donate by check or through Zelle to: stgeorgecathedralchi@gmail.com
Thank you!
By Mail
Donations may be sent to:
Saint George Cathedral
917 North Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60622
917 North Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60622
Saint George Orthodox Cathedral
917 North Wood St; Chicago, IL 60622
917 North Wood St; Chicago, IL 60622
312-835-9938 | Contact
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vigil and ConfessionSun
16FebSunday of the Prodigal Son
8:30 Hours
9:00 Divine LiturgyThu
20Feb6:00 Akafist to Saint George